Choosing the right domain name for your business is very apt for the success of your business. Most people may spend countless hours deciding on a web host and server. At the same time, they also need to choose a reliable web host. Unless you have a quality web host, the life time of your domain name shall be very limited. There are plenty of reasons for choosing a quality web host. Without getting into all that reasons, lets get into the metrics that shall help us determine and discover a quality and a reliable web host.

1) Customer Support

Most webmasters seldom wish to check on the customer support of a web domain registrar, because they are of the opinion that its unnecessary task and not worth their time or effort. But that is far from the truth. A web domain registrar that provides great customer support is bound to provide you with great features. They should at the very least have an email address support and a business telephone number. Its recommended that you try calling the telephone number and emailing their support with various doubts regarding their services. Depending on the replies that you shall receive, you probably shall be able to understand whether a domain name registrar is indeed a reliable one.

2) Customer Reviews

Customer reviews form an integral part of your search for a domain name registrar. Customer reviews talk about the services that these web domain registrars provided their past clients. Their past service shall not have been altered much during these time. So if you know how they provided services to their past clients, you shall know how they shall provide it to you. Try speaking with a couple of their past clients and understand about the services that they received. Do not restrict your research within the web alone.

3) Features

There wont be much features to go by, when you look at a web host. But there are actually plenty of services and features that these domain registrars can actually provide you. Features like domain name privacy forms a very important feature among these lists. Most domain name registrars may try to charge you extra for those features. You should try to avoid such domain name registrars at all cost. Its recommended to opt with domain name registrars who shall provide all such features free of cost. Some domain name registrars shall also try to up sell you with some eCommerce solutions. Dont fall prey for such ruse.

4) Prices

The price factor seems to be great motivator for most people. They shall obviously turn to the domain name registrar that provides domain name registration at the lowest prices. That is never a good approach. Because of the competition in these field, most domain name registrars had indeed lowered their prices. You should be able to get away with a domain name at less than $15 a year. If you buy the domain name for a much longer time, you might be able to get it off at better discounts.

To find a domain name for yourself or business can sometimes be just like finding the proverbial needle in a hay stack. Its not exactly a searching process as you are actually looking to find a domain name that is not yet registered and up for grabs.

You can find a domain name yourself using a domain finder tool at a company such as Act Now Domains but what if you have tried that and just can't find the domain name you want for yourself or business?  You need help but where do you start? 

Some webmasters actually spend countless hours pondering over a perfect venture of a brand. But most branded domain names had luck to be thanked for. We all know how Google got their name. Most of the brands do have considerable history similar to that of Google, like Linux. Its mainly luck that they got to thank for. Some may get lucky and get their brand name all out of blues. It shall probably be a unique, sweet and memorable domain name. They wont find any resistance in registering the domain name as same as their brand name. The reason can be mainly attributed to the fact they found a domain name that is indeed unique.

But that wont be the same story for every webmaster, especially these days.  They are actually on a hunt of the perfect keyword to flag off their website venture. And keyword research do take a lot of time and effort from their part. Most SEO professionals charge a couple of hundred bucks for every keyword research they run. The reason for it is quite understandable. Keyword research does come with a lot more effort and time. Its a lot more than just plugging in a couple of metrics into some keyword research. If the research is done in the right manner, you shall be the one to gain the most. You shall be able to make thousands of dollars from your revenue if the right monetization strategy is applied ? So what's the fuss about paying a couple of hundred bucks for a keyword research report ?

But thanks to most webmaster forums, there are plenty of webmasters who already have the experience in researching and finding keywords. You shall be able to pocket a quality keyword for something around $10-$15. That's almost the same cost as a domain name. They shall also throw in a couple of secondary and long tail keywords too. Spend around $25 for your keyword, domain, and hosting and that shall have the best investment that you shall have ever made. You may choose instead to do the keyword research. I have seen plenty of webmasters who argue that they had done the research themselves, and wish to optimize their website for those keywords. On checking those keywords, we found that every single one were worthless keywords. Those webmasters would have lost a lot if they had gone forward with those keywords. Hence quit the fuss and understand that keyword research is not meant for all. It may seem like quite simple at the top, but that takes a lot of experience, and no newbie shall be able to duplicate the process of a professional.

So as a recommendation, if you can't find a domain name on your own try buying a domain name from some reputed keyword researcher rather than trying to beat your head against the wall trying to come up with the perfect domain name on your own.

Just like choosing a web host is important, so is the process of choosing a domain name registrar. The fact that there are thousands of web host already existing make it even more important. A couple of years back, there were only a few domain registrars in play in this domain name registration field. They had the monopolies, and they charged high rates for each registration. They even charged some mandatory fees for their likening, which made the cost of a domain name registration way above $100 for a domain name. That was the reason why common people stayed away from the domain name registration field. But it was then soon considered that this could not continue and the field should be open for more players, and more domain name registrars came into the field. This made domain name registration field a hot and yet competitive field. That lowered the prices over these years, and that's how we can afford a domain name for less than $15 a year now.

The reason why these domain name registrars lowered their prices is two fold. The foremost reason is because of their competition. Newer and newer domain name registrars were offering much cheaper rates when compared to them. So if they need to stay alive in this business, they had to lower their prices. The next reason can be attributed to the fact that the organization who dealt with the domain name registration soon lowered their prices. That was a cue for these domain name registrars to lower their domain name prices, and they ultimately bend for such an approach. Until 1999, it was Network Solutions Inc that controlled the registries of COM, NET and ORG domain name extensions. They kind of had their monopoly and could charge high. Currently these registries are being controlled by VeriSign. Domain name registrars have to pay a mere $7.85 per domain name each yer for any of these domain name extensions. That is the reason that prompted these domain name registrars to lower their prices over these years.

Even though this was the case a couple of years back in the domain name registration field, it didn't stop certain individuals from buying up domain names. They might have spend a small fortune to buy some prominent domain names under their name, considering the prices for a domain name registration during the time. But that the time was internet hadn't gained much popularity like now. Even corporations and big brand lacked a domain name and web presence. That may be the foremost reason that prompted these individuals for buying up domain names that they can afford. Some of them even had the knack for buying up domain names like They soon went on to become the world's first domain squatters. The individual later sold it to a corporation based in Canada for an undisclosed sum. But its said that he made a six figure profit from the above deal. The investment that he had put in buying the domain name was peanuts to the profits that he earned.